Lupus Nephritis refers to inflammation of filters in kidneys. If left untreated, it will cause a series of complications. Compared with the disease itself, its complications can cause more harm to the patients. Therefore, the patients should keep a vigilant eye on the complications of Lupus Nephritis.
Nephrotic Syndrome
It is very common found among the patients with Lupus Nephritis. As the filters (glomeruli) in kidneys are damaged, it will cause a mass of proteins to leak into urine.
Swelling primarily occurs around eyelids, faces, ankle etc. It attributes to the reduced excretory function of kidneys and lower protein level in plasm.
High blood pressure
More than half of patients with Lupus Nephritis develop high blood pressure. As the excess fluid can not be filtered out of body, it will increased blood volume. In addition, renal ischemia and anoxia will activate RAS (renin-angiotonin-aldosterone system) which can lead to blood vessels contraction and aggravating retention of fluid and sodium. In return, high blood pressure can speed up the deterioration of renal function.
As the patients with Lupus Nephritis have to use a large dosage of hormone and immunosuppressive agents to relieve the symptoms. However, long-term use of hormone can weaken the immunity. Therefore, the patients are very likely to develop infections such as colds, urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis etc.
Fever usually proves that lupus is in active stage and the patients should take treatment at once so as to prevent the disease progression. Generally, high fever usually occurs after they use a large dosage of hormone.
For proteins loss in urine, the patients usually suffer from hypoproteinemia. Afterwards, it will lead to swelling which firstly occurs in ankles, thigh, faces etc. If uncontrolled, they will have diffuse swelling and hydropericardium, fluid in abdominal cavity etc.
As the number of platelets reduces, it will cause haemorrhage. Their limbs usually have petechia and purple plaque. In severe case, the patients will have massive haemorrhage including haemorrhag in digestive tract, nasal cavity etc. Microscopic hematuria is commonly seen among patients with Lupus Nephritis, but gross heamaturia is rarely seen.
If you have been diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis and want to know how to prevent its complications effectively, it is free for you to consult us on line.
Lupus Nephritis refers to inflammation of filters in kidneys. If left untreated, it will cause a series of complications. Compared with the disease itself, its complications can cause more harm to the patients. Therefore, the patients should keep a vigilant eye on the complications of Lupus Nephritis . If you have been diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis and want to know how to prevent its complications effectively, it is free for you to send email
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