Bladder Cancer Symptoms Benefits Of Selenium

Bladder cancer can come in many different forms. Based on the cells under a microscope, bladder cancer symptoms will be placed in one of four categories:

· Transitional cell carcinoma (also known as urothelial carcinoma)
· Squamous cell carcinoma
· Adenocarcinoma
· Small-Cell

bladder cancer symptoms may not be as obvious as you might think. If you think you may have a problem, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible.

bladder cancer symptoms and Signs

There are many different bladder cancer symptoms but just because you have a symptom, such as blood in the urine, which does not mean that you have this type of cancer. This is why we want to consult your doctor as soon as possible. bladder cancer symptoms Signs and symptoms are:

· Blood in the urine
· Change in bladder habits
· Primary irritative symptoms

For most people, blood in urine is the most common symptom of this cancer. Known as hematuria, blood in the urine does not mean that you have this type of cancer, however. Hematuria can be caused by other factors. Search for recurrence. If this is the type of cancer that causes hematuria, so if the blood does not go away, always returns. Hematuria causes urine discoloration. The amount of blood in the urine will determines how dark urine. It could be from very pale yellow-red of a very dark red.

Experiencing changes in bladder habits can be another sign of this cancer. Having to urinate more often than usual can be a sign. Keep an eye on your bladder habits so that you will be able to catch the bad habits as soon as possible. This can help make a better prognosis.

Known irritative symptoms as burning during urination, and feel like you need to urinate but cannot, are also signs. Do not let the signs fool you, however. More than likely, as these symptoms are caused by other problems such as infection.

Experts report that one benefit of selenium intake may include a lower risk of bladder cancer symptoms especially for women. Selenium is a trace mineral that comes from plant foods and meat from animals fed on grain or plants in selenium-rich soils. It is also found in abundance in Brazil nuts. Adults with low levels of selenium are more likely to develop bladder cancer symptoms - the higher the level the greater your risk.

In the study, researchers combined data from seven previously published works to his own meta-analysis. Researchers examined selenium levels in blood samples taken and cuts toenails and all risks are determined to develop bladder cancer symptoms American and European countries (Belgium, Finland and the Netherlands) subjects were included in the analysis.

The researchers found a 39% decrease in bladder cancer symptoms for those with the highest selenium levels in the blood. The protective effect was observed especially between women, and the team believes that this could be due to differences in the way men and women's body break down and remove mineral matter.

More work is needed before a recommendation to increase selenium intake is done. The researchers examined bladder cancer symptoms the dose-response to the recommended daily intake can be adjusted. They can also be subsets of the general population who need more selenium supplements - this will also be identified in future studies.

Currently, the recommended daily intake of selenium is 55 micrograms, and the National Institutes of Health estimates bladder cancer symptoms that most American diets provide enough of this mineral, and that person shall not exceed 400 micrograms of selenium per day.

United States, most of us get our meat bladder cancer symptoms and bread selenium sources. Experts say that the deficiency is rare in the United States, but is seen in other countries such as China and New Zealand, where the soil is naturally less selenium. If you are concerned about their own levels of this mineral, talk to your doctor before bladder cancer symptoms taking any supplements - too much selenium can be bad for you.

Bladder Cancer Symptoms

Our body uses selenium to selenoproteins that function as antioxidants in the body to prevent cellular damage. Studies suggest that selenium may protect against certain types of cancer, but clinical trials of selenium supplementation have yielded conflicting results bladder cancer symptoms

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