As excessive use of medicines for controlling high blood pressure may cause a number of other diseases so it is good to think to avoid medicines for controlling high blood pressure. High blood pressure or hyper tension happens due to rapid heart beat. Man's lifestyle is very important in this concern. If you are successfully able to adopt the below described lifestyle then you will not need of medicine particularly to control your high blood pressure.
Now, let us discuss how to control it in natural ways.
Reduce Your Body Weight
Human body weight is directly relevant to the blood pressure. If your body weight is in extra pounds and you are also suffering high blood pressure then it is best way to reduce your weight to control your blood pressure. Your weight reduction target is set by your physician or doctors. It is said more your weight is lower the more blood pressure is lower. There are certain waistlines are specified for men and women for controlling blood pressure. If a man has more than 40 inches waist then he is more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Similarly, if a woman has more than 35 inches then she has more chances to be hunted by hyper tension.
Daily Exercise
Daily exercise is very helpful for your bringing your blood pressure. If you are much healthy then you should do, at least, 30 minutes swift walk daily. In different condition your doctor can suggest your exercise duration. Physical activity is very important for controlling heart diseases. Some people plan to do exercise only on weekend and in this way they become much offensive with themselves to burn their calories. But can be too risky for their health and sometimes they face some severe consequences. So it is better to do daily exercise rather than squeezing to weekend.
Eat Healthy Food
Healthy food means the food that is rich in grains, vegetables and low fats. If you are fond of eating dairy products then make sure these must be skimp on saturated fats and cholesterol must have low fats in them. This special eating plan is called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH).
Minimize Sodium in Your Food
Sodium is one of the factors that boost your blood pressure. Try to educe sodium quantity in your daily diet. The best way to engulf less sodium is to minimize salt in your daily eatables. Do not add extra salt in your dish. Always read label on the product to know the quantity of sodium in the product. Avoid processed foods like potato, chips and meat because these have extra sodium for processing purpose.
These were some of the main ways to bring down your blood pressure. There are so many ways in addition as well for curing this disease like avoid smoking, do not take tension, always be friendly and avoid alcohol etc.
Awab Ahmad is author of family health plus Which can help you to solve all health issues and give you tips to live health living life.Also deals in top laptop brands.
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